Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 05 – Your definition of loveDay

I'm not sure if this is any different from valentines day but here are my thoughts on that.

So Valentines day is a day of love. But if you really love someone then you would be doing stuff for them all the time. I do like Valentines Day don't get me wrong but I do try to make a special effort to do nice things for my husband threw out the year. Weather it be cooking a nice dinner from time to time for just the two of us. Or bringing home a movie and spending some time together. Some of the most special things to me are those ones where he doesn't ask me to do something or just something that needed to get done. For me it's the little things that give me those love butterflies. A cute note here or a text. Flowers picked up from kroger. A simple kiss when I walk in the door is always a good way to come home. These all work both ways. A complment can really make someones day. A funny story is my husband is pretty good about complmenting me on things. Most the time its after the fact or a day he's so funny.

But Love day should be every day. I just have so much love for my husband it would be an overload on him if he only got it one day a year.  It's what's keeps us stronge.


Happy love day sweet heart!
I want everyday to be love day and I hope you feel that. Every day is filled with the love I have for you.  You are so awesome and I am so blessed to have you in my life. From day one I knew this was it for us. It happened fast for us, but I get signs all the time that this was the right thing. Those feel great. I love you 25 buckets full! You the bestest...


Day 4; What I ate

Well im not that excited when it comes to eating for sure. I had a chocolate slim fast for breakfast, a genoral bar for snack, salad for lunch and a pot pie for dinner....I wish that part was more exciting to share but it's like that most days.

Day 3: My parents

A little bit about my mom:

♥ She lives in Arizona
♥ She is a huge animal person
♥ She is loveable
♥ She is always looking out for everyone
♥ She always finds cool things
&hreats;  She enjoys being out and about doing things
♥ She's in school
♥ She has lived in many states
♥ She's funny

My Dad:

♥ He's always fixing or making something
♥ He will watch anything that anyone want's to watch but would prefer sports
♥ He's always helping someone
♥ He know everything about computers
♥ He's funny
♥ He's so easy to shop for

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2: My first love

My first love well this is an easy story. All threw high school I never got asked out. Not on a date, not to a dance. I did get asked to dance at church dances and that always felt nice. So we moved to Nashville right before my senior year. I didn't really know anyone and it was such a culture shock for me to not be surrounded at every moment by Mormons. So I started talking with this guy from church. We were friends for that year. We were all pretty close at church seeing that we were it. We were the Mormons in Mount Juliet. One of my other guy friends pressured this one in to asking me to his prom. He did. He ditched me for most of it so that was great. I thought that we were dating. For about 6 months I and everyone else thought that. It wasn't until a few months after he left I found out we were nothing. It hurt so bad I thought I loved him.

Before that boy went off to school we all had made welcome home signs for the missionary returning home. We go to the airport and out walks this 21 year old guy in a suite! Boy was he good looking! So everyone was in line giving him a hug. I was like heck I want a huge from the cutie. So get in line got my hug and then realized it was all his family.....yeah talk about embarrassing. After the guy who I thought I was dating left for school I started to see Billy. We'd talk at institute. Sit next to me at meetings and talk. Finally he asked me on a date. We went to see resident evil 3 and went to stake and shake. After that it was still only 9pm. So we went to the lake to talk. Yeah at 3 am we realized it was way to late and I was going to get in so much trouble. So I got talked to and stuff, but later that day I went with my friend David to church to watch conference while they went to Bell buckle. The next day Sunday I asked if I could go to Billy's house to watch conference on their TV. They said yes. We were having singles FHE at his house Monday night. Guess who showed up. Me! That was it no one else came. So that was kinda cool. That was also our first kiss in his driveway when I left. It didn't take long but I knew I was in love with him.

January first comes, it was time for him to go and he just couldn't. We started talking and it went in to, I want you to be my wife...i love you......and some other stuff I can't remember. A few weeks later the ring came in. Six months later we were married in the Nashville temple. It's been 5 years now. To tell you the truth I feel in love a second time too. It happened 2 months after I had my son. I am truly in love with my boys.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 1: Intorduce your self

My name is Stephanie. I'm now 24 years old. I have a 2 year old son and have been married to my best friend for 5 years now! I was born in Redondo beach, CAL. Moved to Arizona when I was 3. I have a brother who is 2 years younger than me. I later moved to Nashville, TN the summer before my senior year. I graduated. Met my husband and was married at 18. When I turned 21 I found out I was pregnant!

I'm a wife a mother a friend and a sister. I try to be a good expamble for those around me. I like to have fun and be with good company. I like to smile and laugh. I like to spend time with my family and make memories. I'm working on bettering my photography skills. I'm involved with our church. I'm a very happy person and I like to stay positive. Life has been good to me and I'm happy where it has brought me....

Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Days of Stephanie

I've decided to Do a 30 days of Me. I stole this from Christina over at her blog.

I'm hoping it gives you all a look in to who I am and how it came.

Here are the days:

Day 01 – Introduce

Day 02 – Your first love

Day 03 – Your parents

Day 04 – What you ate today

Day 05 – Your definition of loveDay

Day 06 – Your day

Day 07 – Your best friend

Day 08 – A moment

Day 09 – Your beliefs

Day 10 – What you wore today

Day 11 – Your siblings

Day 12 – What’s in your bag

Day 13 – This week

Day 14 – What you wore today

Day 15 – Your dreams

Day 16 – Your first kiss

Day 17 – Your favorite memory

Day 18 – Your favorite birthday

Day 19 – Something you regret

Day 20 – This month

Day 21 – Another moment

Day 22 – Something that upsets you

Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better

Day 24 – Something that makes you cry

Day 25 – A first

Day 26 – Your fears

Day 27 – Your favorite place

Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations

Day 30 – One last moment

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's been a while

Yeah it's been a while. I've been busy spending time with my son and talking with my husband on the computer. On thing I read alot about before coming in to the Navy family was that things will be said one day and they changed the next. When I thought to my self that I was over this or that. Something else gets said and changed and I find my self wineing about it again when I should have know.

Billy is just waiting for his schooling to start and I'm waiting for him to phase up so I can go see him. His dates have changed now like 4 times. So now when we hear something it' like ok yeah right we'll see. I am so ready to be closer to him and not living with family any more. Its just hard. I know its hard on everyone who has chosen this life style and it's just taking some getting use to. So here's waiting......

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Pictures of my talking with my husband on skype how awesome is that. I love that not only can i talk with him almost when ever I want but I get to see him too! I miss him so much it's so good. Soon enough we'll be together soon!